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Béchamel Sauce

Menu part: Main course
Diet: vegetarian
frischli 100 % pflanzlich Rezept Béchamelsauce

Ingredients for 10 Persons

  • 300 g Flour
  • 300 g Alsan
  • 3 pcs. Bay leaves
  • 10 pcs. Peppercorns
  • 2000 ml frischli Organic Oat Drink
  • 1000 ml Vegetable stock
  • 1 tsp. Nutmeg
  • 3 tsp. Salt


  1. First, roast the flour with the margarine, peppercorns and the bay leaf over medium heat.
  2. Mix frischli Organic Oat Drink with thickener and add to the sauce base. Bring to a boil. Season with salt, pepper and lemon juice.
  3. The béchamel sauce should simmer gently for at least 20 minutes.
  4. Either pass the finished sauce through a sieve or blend with a hand blender until smooth. Bring the finished sauce to taste.
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