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Oat Panna Cotta
with blueberries

Menu part: Dessert
Diet: vegetarian
frischli 100 % pflanzlich Rezept Panne Cotta mit Hafer & Blaubeeren

Ingredients for 10 Persons

  • 7 g Agar-agar
  • 600 ml Coconut milk
  • 500 ml frischli Organic Oat Creme Cuisine
  • 2 g Vanilla powder
  • 30 g Sugar
  • 15 g Cornflour
  • 40 g Cocoa butter or vegan white chocolate
  • 200 m Elderberry juice
  • 20 g Cornflour
  • 30 g Sugar
  • 800 g Blueberries, frozen


  1. Stir agar-agar into 50 ml coconut milk and soak. Pour the remaining coconut milk into a pan with frischli Organic Oat Creme Cuisine, flavour with vanilla and bring to a boil. Add mixed agar-agar and cook for approx. 1 minute.
  2. Mix the sugar with cornflour and stir in the coconut oat mixture with a whisk. Add cocoa butter and vegan white chocolate to the mixture and stir well. Use a measuring cup to divide it into cold-rinsed dessert glasses. Allow the panna cotta to harden in the fridge for 1–2 hours.
  3. Measure approx. 50 ml elderberry juice and mix with cornflour. Add the remaining juice to the pan, bring to a boil with sugar and thicken with cornflour. Leave to cool afterwards.
  4. Pour the sauce over the panna cotta and garnish with blueberries. Decorate as desired and serve cold.
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